Woven wraps are an incredibly versatile baby carrier that can be used for both babies and toddlers. There are many different “carries,” or ways to tie the wrap. Here are some options for babywearing on the front of your body with a woven wrap.
Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC)

Front Wrap Cross Carry is the most popular woven wrap carry and is great for beginners. It is a secure, supportive carry that can be used for babies from newborn through toddlerhood.
FWCC tied behind your back is a full length carry that is used to determine your “base size.” Learn more about finding your base size here.
Wrap size: Base
Front Wrap Cross Carry Tied Under Bum (FWCC TUB)

FWCC TUB is a variation of the front wrap cross carry that you can do with a shorter wrap. Instead of tying the wrap behind your back, you simply tie a knot under baby’s bum.
Wrap size: Base -2
Anne’s Front Wrap Cross Carry

This is a variation of FWCC that is beginner friendly and easy to master. It’s great for newborns because it gives a little more head support than the standard FWCC. I also really like it for contact naps.
Wrap size: Base
FWCC with Pond Finish

Pond finish is another modification of the front wrap cross carry (FWCC). This is a one shoulder carry (so it’s technically a semi-FWCC) with a horizontal pass that provides extra neck support for baby.
This is a great fancy finish for beginners as it’s easy to master if you already know how to do FWCC. It looks really pretty and offers good neck support for smaller babies or wrap naps.
Wrap size: Base
Semi FWCC with Poppins Finish

This week we have yet another variation of the FWCC. This is a one-shouldered carry that is comfortable and supportive. It’s also pretty easy for beginners to master, especially if you already know how to do FWCC.
Wrap size: Base

This is a version of the FWCC you can do with a shorty wrap (base -2). This carry ties at the shoulder, and if you use a slip-knot is easily adjustable, which comes in handy if you’ll be breastfeeding. It’s comfy, supportive, and definitely one of my go to carries.
Wrap size: base -2
Photo Tutorial: Click here

This carry is another version of the FWCC you can do with a shorty wrap (base -2). This carry is really similar to the half FWCC, but it’s a one shoulder carry instead of two.
This is another versatile carry that is pretty comfy and supportive. Like the half FWCC, it ties at the shoulder and if you use a slip knot it can be adjusted to allow for easier breastfeeding.
Wrap size: Base -2
Knotless FWCC

This week’s carry is another version of the front wrap cross carry. For this iteration, you’ll want a longer wrap.
This is one of my favorite front carries. It’s really supportive and looks so pretty! And since you don’t have a knot tied at your back it’s more comfortable than FWCC for sitting down while babywearing.
Wrap side: Base +1
Kangaroo Carry

This is a popular carry for newborns, but can be used with older babies and toddlers as well.
It is a more easily poppable carry, so for wiggly little ones you may want to use a longer (base -1) wrap and do a reinforced version tied behind your back to make it a little more secure.
It’s easy to do with baby in arms, making it a great carry for wrapping a sleeping child. Because it only has one layer of fabric over baby, it’s also a good carry for hot weather.
Wrap side: Base -2 or even a base -3
No Sew Ring Sling

This is a great option for quick ups. It’s a simple carry that can be very comfortable and supportive when adjusted correctly. I use a size 2 wrap (base -4), but you could use a bigger wrap if you don’t mind longer tails.
Looking to buy a woven wrap? Little Zen One offers a variety of options from high-quality brands like Didymos, Oscha, & LennyLamb. Use promo code: 20MAMALIBELULA for $20 off your first order over $100